Monday, June 2, 2008


Hi Friends...
Man kind is the beautiful and the best creation of nature. Although nature has created lots of other species but the mankind is the best in all. As in comparison to other species mankind is more intelligent. Man kind do new inventions for being more and more luxurious. For this he is killing other species . Today I had seen this video.

Pledge to go fur-free at

One of the most horrible video I have ever seen. Humanity at its horribleness. For their own protection and fashion they kill animals . For FUR by which different types of clothes are made they use to kill animals. These people in the video are one of the bastards . I cant use vulgar language here or else would have used for these people who don't have little mercy for the animals. FUR is taken off from the animals after they died. But here they are killing animals and even they are not killing them. They are making them disable so that they may not oppose. See in this video how they are pulling the fox from the cage and thrashing it on the ground. After it becomes disable they tie up it and starts peeling its FUR even without waiting for its death . And wow what a way, these bastards peeling its skin and it is FULMINATING like anything. In the end I just wanna say that if we can't help those poor just avoid clothes and other products of FUR and skin and help the poor and innocent animals.